Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's always good to have some back up

A long story short i did something stupid it work, i called out our maintenance depart as the useless lazy morons that they are, of course i did this in a way that everyone in the company now knows of it, but i digress. After i sent out the work request i got called into the managers office and good a stern talking to about what i had written. Of course when i write two polite work requests jack all gets done, so i guess sometimes when your the low man on the totem pole you need to stamp your feet and make some noise to get the attention that you need. Anyway i know what i did was stupid, but again im not getting to the point. The point is that some of the other people that work with me told me that they supported what i did and said it needed to be done and they'll stick up for me if they come at me again about what i wrote. which is a really good feeling because it sucks to stick your neck out its nice to know that there are people on your side. i guess thats it.

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