Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Why i love Buck 65

Where did the love being? Well kids i guess it all started way back in the Ye Olde Countrye (Canada) when i was just a wee lad, maybe, im not really sure when i first heard him. I can say for sure it was my older brothers doing, he's always been a big influence on me and my music taste. Based on that i guess the reasons for my love is three fold, first off being I've been listing to buck for like 5 to 8 years which is a long ass time if you ask me, the second reason i have love is just how much i enjoy his music. There's so much variety in his music, mostly in the people he portrays, like in the song The Craftsman he raps/sings and a shoe shine guy in a train station, In his songs Riverbend 1-7 he sings as a guy living in a house boat along a river with a bunch of crazy neighbors, and in the video below (Shutterbuggin off the CD Situation, which i own, and by own i mean actually paid for, by the way its an awesome fucking CD) he's a pornographer. It just goes on like that, to me all Disturbed songs sound kinda the same, yea i know there all "different" but they all just seem to blend together to me. So much of his music is different, i mean really different, if it wasn't for his voice you'd swear they were all from different artists. Another thing i love is just the one liners like "the sun was shining and we were all stupid" If i ever get around to posting my journals from my year in Israel you'll find that around half of the titles are random samples from buck's songs. So what my favorite song? that's like asking someone whats there favorite word, there's just such a sea of choices you can't really do justice by picking one, so instead i will mention the only Buck 65 song i can't listen to, Its called "ice" and its another narrative. If you can take a moment and listen to it, then maybe you'll understand why i can't. Did i mention we were both from the same city in Canada? well not the same city but same area, i guess that's reason number three, familiarity. I've been reading his blogs, seeing his pictures, listing to his music, and twice (i wish it was more) met him in person, and its all just very very interesting to me. I'm not a stalker or anything (i swear!) but if you really enjoy something whats the harm in trying to know all about it? hummm?? And lets be honest here, the man as style, not like high fashion "look at me im walking around in a dress that's about your yearly salary", no this man as discount shopping point all over. Which of course makes me jealous, skinny who know how to dress can get away with such clothing murder it makes the rest of look like kids on a playground. To end this long ramble i shall quote from Buddy Wakefield (who i first saw at a buck 65 concert) "my town is cute in the ways that we worry about the gays fucking up out family values and the sanctity of marriage, yet we still let out childern watch television shows like Wife Swap, The bachelor, American idolatry and fox new!".

Sunday, September 21, 2008

third times a charm

I once heard a story from the Holocaust. I don't remember the all the details but with a story like this the details really aren't that important. There were a group of standing in front of a very deep and wide pit, the Nazi's had lined up the entire Jewish population of the village on one side of the pit, and told them if they leaped over this huge pit they would live, but if they fell in they would be killed, and if they refused to jump they would also be gunned down. So people started jumping, and falling into and being gunned down. now there was the rabbi of the village, a very old man, he took one step and with a giant leap made it all the way over the pit to the other side, and he was followed by another man who he was unfamiliar with. (its been a while since I've heard this story so it might not make total sense here and there but the point im getting to does) So someone asks the rabbi how me managed to jump the distance over the pit. So the rabbi says "i saw in front of my my forefather Abraham holding hands with his son Issac who was holding hands with his sons, and they were all holding each others hands all the way down the line to my grandfather and my own father, and then we we jumped, each father pulling there son over the pit in one long unbroken line". So the rabbi turn to the other man and asks him how he managed to jump accross, and the man says rebbe, i held onto you!......... Anyway the point of this story is supposed to be that a (jewish) person is supposed to be aware of their heritage and where they come from or something. Man I really need to write these posts in one shot insted of over a few days.

Know your role

So i was watching Dr. 90210 (not by choice mind you, i was drunk at them time i swear) and there was this mother and a daughter going in to get their lips plumped. Now i could take the easy way out and just bash them for not being happy with who they are, god made them blah blah blah. No i'm going to say something else i noticed, there are some parents that try to live there lives through their kids, either by having them be the person that they never were, or just to feel the success they might not have has. But what i think i saw last night was a mother trying to live her life along with her daughter, i guess trying to recapture her own misspent youth by trying to be her young daughets best friend. Now there is nothing wrong with being close with your kids, i wish more parents were, but i think i need to quote The Rock when i say know your role, be a mom not a girfriend.

My hero

Today is a triple bagger, first i would like to talk about hero's.

I guess you could put hero's in two categories. The first kind of hero gets up at 4am to drive an old lady to the airport to see her sick son, then goes to work and spends the whole day telling everyone about what he did and how nice of a guy he is.

The second type of hero gets up at 4am to drive an old lady to the airport to see her sick son, then goes to work and tells no one.

Last night i did something amazing, but as an exercise in being a different kind of person the only people who are ever going to know what happened are me and the other person, yes i know its not exactly like the second class of hero's, but we all have to have something to aspire to don't we?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Well this is just awesome!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Looking for a safe stance on abortion? Grow a pair!

well enough with the kiddy posts, time for something with a little more meat on it. In one of my many many day dreams during my "work" hours i thought what it would be like as an armed guard at an abortion clinic (yes, these thoughts go through my mind). Well basically my point of view is that i hope one day that men are responsible enough to keep it wrapped, women are responsible enough to take the proper precautions to keep from getting pregnant and that the whole issues of abortion goes away. Now back in the real world i firmly beileve that as long as abortion is legal in the united states I will support womens rights to their body. I think the problem people seems to face when i comes to abortion issues is the religious right's idea that they need to force everyone to believe what they do. I don't care if you don't belive dionsaurs existed, if you belive in satan or are a practising scientologist, i really could care less what you believe as long as your not trying to force your belief on other people. So if your against abortion, don't get one, but who are you to try and stop an amercian citizen from expressing their legal right to an abortion?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Women, sheesh!

I often hear women complaining that they never get what they want, and I've found that there seems to be 2 main reasons why. The first reason is that women (or people in general for that matter) have no idea what they want! If you have no idea what you want then how are you supposed to get it?? I know that's rather obvious, but you would be surprised! The second thing I've noticed is that some women just seem to be willing to go along with whatever, which makes no sense in my opinion. I'm not here to talk about my bedroom life, but if were getting it on, and i ask a girl what she wants and all she says to me is "do whatever you want" well in that case your going to end up being very very disappointed, let me tell you! I'm not sure where else i was going to go with this, thats all for now!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

i'm JESUS!

17711135 (9:59:56 PM): Bruce Campbell has a famous brother. However, the only reason he's famous is because Jesus keeps taking credit for his actions.

XenocidleNutCase (10:00:13 PM): lol

XenocidleNutCase (10:00:25 PM): i was jesus tonight

XenocidleNutCase (10:00:38 PM): there was a pitcher in the fridge which is usally full of water

XenocidleNutCase (10:01:01 PM): so i poured it out and it was red, and im like, holy shit im jesus, i turned water into kol aid

17711135 (10:01:07 PM): lol

XenocidleNutCase (10:01:24 PM): and the kol aid was good

17711135 (10:01:46 PM): mwahaha

XenocidleNutCase (10:03:20 PM): damn, this calls for some more kol aid

XenocidleNutCase (10:03:21 PM): brb

XenocidleNutCase (10:03:24 PM): read mine blog

XenocidleNutCase (10:03:29 PM): www.xenokilla.blogspot.com

17711135 (10:04:07 PM): you have a blog! bah!

17711135 (10:04:12 PM): now I have to get a blog

17711135 (10:04:14 PM): damn it!

XenocidleNutCase (10:05:09 PM): one up bitch

17711135 (10:05:22 PM): oh i will, i'll get my own domain name

XenocidleNutCase (10:05:28 PM): bah

XenocidleNutCase (10:05:34 PM): now im gonna need my own TLD

17711135 (10:05:42 PM): .jew?

XenocidleNutCase (10:05:46 PM): yes

XenocidleNutCase (10:05:59 PM): .JG (jew gold)

17711135 (10:06:14 PM): hell yes

17711135 (10:06:17 PM): i wonder if that is valid

17711135 (10:06:21 PM): stealmy.jg

XenocidleNutCase (10:06:28 PM): probably some random african country

17711135 (10:06:42 PM): nope

17711135 (10:06:47 PM): afk a sec, gotta drop the kids at the pool

XenocidleNutCase (10:07:04 PM): .....

XenocidleNutCase (10:07:10 PM): you don't have any kids

XenocidleNutCase (10:07:12 PM): or a pool

XenocidleNutCase (10:07:16 PM): and its dark out

XenocidleNutCase (10:07:22 PM): there are so many things wrong with that!

Monday, September 1, 2008

too bad new orleans didn't drown

i want people to realize that the earth is not ours to control and then when you build a city in a flood plain and try and hold back the sea with little walls, you get what you deserve. When the army core of engineers thinks that they know how to run a river, and end up destroying the very islands that keep the city safe, you get whats coming to you