Monday, December 31, 2012

Clan TAW Planetside 2 Episode 5. "Drunk Mossy Stuck In The Amp Station"

Our dear friend Rinzlur gets his Mosquito stuck inside an Amp Station, we try and help him out.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Xenokilla Plays! World Of Tanks Ep. 14 "What tier is that again?..... yea, but what tier is that?"

I took a break from Planetside 2 to play some more tanks with my fellow TAW members. To avoid boring the socks off everyone I speed up the footage a bit during the boring parts. Let me know if this is an improvement or not and I'll see about doing it more often.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Planetside 2 Episode 4 "Air's A little Thick Today"

There were a few planes out today on Esamir. DVS I think...

Greetings! I am Xenokilla of Clan TAW. Thanks to for the awesome intro, hit him up if you’re looking for something. Reddit love baby!
If you’re interested in joining an awesome clan, check out! We are a multi gaming clan with a North American and European divisions

planetside 2, Terran Republic, Vanu Sovereignty, New Conglomerate, PlanetSide (Video Game), Clan TAW, the art of war, mmofps, Games, video games, Terran Republic, New Conglomerate, Vanu Sovereignty, max, light assault, infiltrator, medic, engineer, Esamir, Indar,  Cyssor, Searhus, Hossin, Oshur

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Funny Reddit Comments #23 "Random Grab Bag"

More random out of context comments that at least I think are funny.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Clan TAW Planetside 2 Episode 3. "Everybody Drop Now!"

Another great day on whatever planet this is, Clan TAW dives straight into the action once again!

Greetings! I am Xenokilla of Clan TAW. Thanks to for the awesome intro, hit him up if you’re looking for something. Reddit love baby!
If you’re interested in joining an awesome clan, check out! We are a multi gaming clan with a North American and European divisions

planetside 2, Terran Republic, Vanu Sovereignty, New Conglomerate, PlanetSide (Video Game), Clan TAW, the art of war, mmofps, Games, video games,

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Clan TAW Planetside 2. Episode 2. "Indarian niiiiiights, like Indarian daaaaaays"

The Aladdin theme song? Anyone, hello is this thing on?

Greetings! I am Xenokilla of Clan TAW. Thanks to for the awesome intro, hit him up if you’re looking for something. Reddit love baby!
If you’re interested in joining an awesome clan, check out! We are a multi gaming clan with a North American and European divisions

planetside 2, Terran Republic, Vanu Sovereignty, New Conglomerate, PlanetSide (Video Game), Clan TAW, the art of war, mmofps, Games, video games,