Wednesday, June 23, 2010

[9:22:22 pm]Xenokilla: let me ask you something

[9:22:27 pm]Azayki16:Okay

[9:22:31 pm]Xenokilla:are you actually bisexual?

[9:22:36 pm]Azayki16:Yes o.o

[9:22:41 pm]Xenokilla:because it seems like 75% of the women on here say that

[9:22:44 pm]Azayki16:Why? Is that a problem?

[9:22:47 pm]Azayki16:Oh

[9:22:48 pm]Xenokilla:and i can't figure it out

[9:22:57 pm]Xenokilla:no its not a problem at all, its just kinda weird

[9:23:08 pm]Azayki16:I'm not a whore... I'm interested in both genders - exclusively. I don't do 3somes and I don't let guys "watch"

[9:23:20 pm]Xenokilla:that'd be kinda creepy

[9:23:36 pm]Azayki16:You have no idea how many guys find out I'm bisexual and go "OOH CAN I WATCH?"

[9:23:38 pm]Xenokilla:see thats the problem, the first experience guys get about sex is porn

[9:23:40 pm]Azayki16:It's irritating lol

[9:23:46 pm]Azayki16:Yup :/

[9:23:58 pm]Xenokilla:and then they spend the rest of their lives being disappointed that its nothing like that at all

[9:24:09 pm]Azayki16:I'm no prude by any stretch of the imagination, but I feel that sex is for 2 people personally

[9:24:27 pm]Xenokilla:i fix computers, i've been in dozens of homes, not one offer of a blow job!

[9:24:34 pm]Azayki16:LOL!

[9:24:38 pm]Azayki16:What bitches, eh?

[9:24:55 pm]Azayki16:Geez. A guy comes to fix your computer, the least you can do is give the guy a blowjob.

[9:25:08 pm]Xenokilla:exactly!

[9:25:15 pm]Xenokilla:whats with all the old people?

[9:25:24 pm]Azayki16:Lol

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why i don't work for free

Andrea McFarland: lol its nothing bad, you said u do IT, not thru a company tho right?
Josh: no independent
Andrea McFarland: Ok so what do u charge (on average for diff things) if that's not too nosey
Josh: mostly i get my work through a few websites
Andrea McFarland: That's cool, I was only asking because I got a lecture yesterday about not charging friends and family
Josh: basicly large companies don't have people everywhere
Josh: what? noooo
Josh: charge friends
Josh: my friend the hair dresser, she needs her computer fixed and i do it for free. do you think she's gonna turn around and cut my hair for free?
Josh: people ask me for my friend rate and i tell them its double
Andrea McFarland: I never have, but yeah I'm starting to think maybe I should. I guess I figured I should wait til I got my degree
Josh: degree?
Josh: ha, i have a degree in psychology
Josh: a service is a service
Andrea McFarland: That's a very good point
Andrea McFarland: I've only asked them to pay for whatever I needed to do what they wanted. But you have a good point
Josh: i charge everyone but my own mother
Andrea McFarland: My mom is the 1 I should start charging lol, she is always calling cuz she screwed something up.
Josh: i usually go for 60-90/h
Josh: or sometimes ill charge for the job
Josh: i got paid $150 for resetting the bios on a motherboard
Josh: moved a jumper from position one, to position two, then back
Josh: as they say, $1 for the move, 149 for know what and where
Andrea McFarland: I've never really thought about the business side, just if I have to pay for a program or part or whatever
Josh: you provide a service like a plumber or a carpenter
Andrea McFarland is typing...
Andrea McFarland: I need to start tho since more ppl have been calling and expect it for free
Josh: you need to vaulue your skills, because if you don't other people won't
Andrea McFarland: Right
Josh: no one uses linux, not because its a bad operating system, but because its free. and free things have no value in most peoples mind
Josh: for example
Josh: "i got this for for free"
Josh: "i paid 50k for this car"
Andrea McFarland: Yeah it makes a difference
Josh: even though you don't know what the free car is, you automatically think is a POS, while the 50k car is really nice
Andrea McFarland: Yup
Josh: so whoever gave you a leacture on not charging friends or family clearing has no idea what their talking about =)Bookmark