Monday, November 24, 2008

Through the fire and flames

Back in the old country (canada) in ....7th grade? i had a teacher who went by the name Mr. (gordon) watson. now mr. watson was old, i believe one of the girls in my class, he had taught her mother. So im pretty sure he's long dead, or still teaching, one of the two. Either way one quote sticks out in my mind:

Someone: did you protest with the hippies?
Mr. Watson: NO, i protested hippies

now isn't that epic?

PS, he's not dead it seems, some people just stare death and say "not yet"

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not... fuck with us

Note: This never happened

So i was walking through a local CVS totally filthy after another long day sand blasting when i heard a well dressed lady whisper under her breath to her son to stay away "from that dirty filthy man". Well after having a bad day at work i decided to open this ladies eyes a little, so i got in her face and i asked her if she's ever flown on an airplane, if she'd ever used power from a nuclear reactor, if she'd even benfited from military protection, is she knew anyone that had been on a ventilator, if she'd ever used a product that came on a truck, or a train or a boat. She kinda nodded her head so i told her that its people like me that make the parts that keep all of these great inventions going, We keep the plans from crashing, the reactors from melting down, the respirators working, so she should get down on her hands and knee's everyday and thank me for being willing to get this dirty to do my job right so she can sleep well at night knowing that the plated fuel flow valve in a 747 isn't going to flake of some plating, then jam causing the plane to crash obliterating her entire neighborhood......

Winter, Fuck yea!

I am a big fan of winter, I love the cold, I love the snow, i love walking around in a t-shirt when its below zero. Why do i love winter so much? I tell people it's because i'm from Canada, but that's really not true its a hell of a lot colder here in IN then it ever was in Nova Scotia. I guess it boils down to guts, any wuss can be a fan of the warm weather, a fair weather fan so to speak, but it takes a real man to enjoy the eyelid freezing death sentence of winter.