Friday, November 9, 2012

XenoKilla's Game Reviews! "The War Z, A First Look"

Now, I don't know if you've heard, but zombies have been kinda pretty popular for the last little while, and zombie video games, have also been pretty popular. Games like Left For Dead take a regular FPS and just use zombies as the enemies. The War Z (similar to Day Z the ARMA 2 Mod) takes a more realistic approach to things. There is no auto healing, no respawns, no infite ammo, and you start with nothing on your back but a flashlight and a can of coke. GET SOME!,,,

Greetings! I am Xenokilla of Clan TAW. Thanks to for the awesome intro, hit him up if you're looking for something. Reddit love baby!
If you're interested in joining an awesome clan, check out! We are a multi gaming clan with a North American and European divisions

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