Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I feel clean

(im google chat to Aaron) Josh: im a horriable person

ditzygurl132000 (12:35:15 AM): what r u doing?
xenocidlenutcase (12:38:20 AM): wondering why i still talk to you

(side conversation) Aaron: lol

(in google chat) Josh:
ditzygurl132000 (12:39:34 AM): Because I'm amazeing, and cute, and sexy, and your just mezmerized by my AWESOMNESS
xenocidlenutcase (12:39:48 AM): no
ditzygurl132000 (12:39:50 AM): I've hooked you and now u cant get away
xenocidlenutcase (12:39:52 AM): i've seen you once
ditzygurl132000 (12:40:04 AM): i no
xenocidlenutcase (12:40:04 AM): and you claim your going to be free, then aren't
xenocidlenutcase (12:40:11 AM): and you never call, even when you threaten
xenocidlenutcase (12:40:41 AM): im sorry dear, i just have no more room in my life for false hope and stupid people. have a ncie life

Josh:i feel better now

Aaron: wow

she must have been shocked as hell when you suddenly grew a pair of fucking testicles already

Josh: yea well i've decided its a better way to go

block list +1

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