I have a slightly weird addiction (don't we all....) i watch tons of cops, lockup, America's toughest prisons, locked up abroad, street patrol, Jail, The squad prison police, to name a few. I don't really know why, i've never been arrested, no one in my family is in jail, but for some reason i find it really interesting how their is an entire society inside prisons divided among racial lines, with its own hierarchy, [url=http://www.theonion.com/video/prison-economy-spirals-as-price-of-pack-of-cigaret,14327/]economy[/url], and "schools". from what i can see prison is just part of the lifestyle these people lead, with close to an 80% recidivism rate most of the people that are released will end up back inside. So in contrast to what parrish said, prisons should do as much as possible to rehabilitate inmate. its costs something like 18k-30k to house and feed these people who give nothing back to society except to be released, do harm to the community by re-offending, then go right back to jail.
IMHO we should give the inmate as much counseling, job training, programs and assistance as possible so as to reduce the inmate population and ultimately save the tax payers money, and help improve society in general.
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