Wednesday, July 7, 2010

aaron.blamer: Aaron Blamer 18:45

Jackie Bryant 18:45
what is it?

Aaron Blamer 18:45
you never click my links!!!

Jackie Bryant 18:45
I'm leery of random links.

Aaron Blamer 18:45
my friends just click them willy nilly. 18:46
Jackie Bryant 18:46
maybe you need more responsible friends 18:46

Jackie Bryant 18:49
Tell me what it is. 18:49

Aaron Blamer 18:51
its a spoof of an old russian propaganda with mickey mouse, but theres no need to click it, because the magic is gone.

Jackie Bryant 18:51

Aaron Blamer 18:52

Jackie Bryant 18:55
Sorry I ruined that magic.

Aaron Blamer 18:56
meh in retrospect it wasnt that funny
a point that totally would have been overlooked if it were for the glossy sheen of "the magic"

New convo:

Josh: no, you need less responsible friernds

but less responsible friends made her not believe in 'the magic'
most likely with pictures of dongs and goatse

so far you have yet to pull that one on me
but i do know where you live and am not above driving 30min to saran wrap your car one night

its a gentleman's agreement


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