Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My state is run by morons.

People ask me why i say my state is run by morons. I give parrishs example. For those who do not know, Indiana used to not change its clocks, had the year we were on EST and the other half we were on CST. To our direct left is IL which is on CST and north of us is MI which is on est. So what? So a few years ago the state decided to join EST, no worries except that some stupid counties that border IL said "screw you guys were joining CST" so the long and the short of it is that some counties in Indiana are on CST and some are on EST. My state is run by morons.

Friday, September 17, 2010

My expirence and tips for an Apple Interview

So i had my interview today, ill try to keep it in chronological order, followed by some notes at the end.

The interview was for 12, i got there around 11:35 after stopping by parrish's awesome new store to check it out.
Dude in an apple tshirt took everyone's name, phone number and email, gave everyone a name tag with their first name on it. There was about 20 of us in total. were all called into a conference room down a hall, there were a bunch of apple people high five'in everyone on their way down the hall and into the room. We sat down three to a table, i made sure i got a table in the middle. The apple people introduced themselves, there were seven of them, the main person leading the interview was Mary Astephan who is an apple recruiter, the rest were made up of mangers and genius's from other apple stores. They all had clip boards and wrote down various notes about people all through the event.

After the introduction we watched a movie about apples retail division, usual propaganda, we sell the $7k per sq/ft which is the most in the retail world, we have over 6.6bil in sales in the last quarter of 2009 ect. It also talked about the individual attention given to customers, i think they said they did over 2.5mil one on on training sessions a year. After the film we were asked some simple questions on it. After that was a lisde show with different apple products, she asked us who has an iblah blah and how awesome is it and what do you use it for, ra ra rah!

The next event was we were to get to know someone near us, find out something unique about them their history and why they want to work for apple. We were going to be giving a talk about the other person so i made sure to feed my guy the proper points i wanted him to point out about me. After we got to know the other person we went around the room and talked to the group about what we found out about the other person. Basically you had to interview the other person then sell them to the group. We went first, got a few laughs out of the group, i think it went well.

After that we watched another video about apple, more about the physical stores, there international locations and the people that work for apple. After the video their were some more questions on it, they just wanted to see then things you picked up on in the video, ex passion for the store, great team environment, awesome locations and what not.

The next major thing we did was break into groups of 5 with one of the people from apple, there was a 6 sided cube with several questions on it, i can't remember all of them but one was, tell us about a time when you went above and beyond for the customer, tell us a time when you had to deal with a condescending customer that talked down to you (really specific for some reason) give us an example of a very difficult technical problem you had to work through. So we went around in a circle and everyone held the cube and gave a response to one of the questions on it. That went on for about 20 min.

The next thing was a slide presentation with video, more focused on the store and the positions in an apple store. The apple stores are divided into 2 sections, one is the "red" zone where you first come in, are greeted and what not. the second zone is where the genius bar is, the one on one training area are ect. The only apple store i've been to is the one on north Michigan street in Chicago, the bottom floor is the red zone and the top floor is the other zone. The presenter also went through the apple store position, genius, expert, family programs, business manager, specialist, Back of house stock manger, ext. After that slide show was over we had a general QA. People asked the usual question, how much do the jobs pay (can't comment) when does the store open (can't comment) how many positions are you going to be filling (can't comment) ect. Now the interesting part is that they were not hiring any geniuses because they already had them in place.

So after the QA we filled out some paper with our info, positions we'd like, full time or part time, availability, what apple products we own ect. Everything wrapped up just after two. At 3:30 i got the call for the second round of interviews for Thursday, and i should know by Friday if i have the job. The second interview is a smaller group with only 2 or three applicants. I'll give that one a run down Thursday night.

As i figured they were looking for personality above everything else. Most of the people in the room either had a college degree or were students, there was a nice age range starting and 22 and going up to maybe late 40's early 50's. Depending on who i see for the second round im guessing they chose the people that participated in the conversation. The two other guys seated at me table didn't answer any questions or chime in at any point during the event so i have a feeling they might not be getting a call back. What nice is that there were 6 people besides the presenter keeping an eye on the room so i made sure to make some subtle yet noticeable gestures such as pouring water for the guys at my table, getting chairs for people and things like that. Overall I think i was able to participate in the group discussion with out saying anything too dumb or trying to hard like this one dude at the front of the room who would just not shut the ---- up. Yes you love mac, yes your an artist, yes you've been to blah blah. I'd be surprised if i see him at round 2.

Edit: So as i mentioned all the genius positions had been filled. I found out for a friend of mine that the apple rep in the area had scouted out talent from the best buy across the street so it looks like the genius staff is going to be mostly made up of former best buy people. This does not bring me happiness.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Damn polar bears

Kat Werner: Polar Bears?
Josh: yea, i rode one to school as a kid
Kat Werner: Oh?
Kat Werner: 0_o
Josh: yea
Kat Werner: Any pictures?
Josh: no but here's an artists rendering:

Friday, August 27, 2010


I have a slightly weird addiction (don't we all....) i watch tons of cops, lockup, America's toughest prisons, locked up abroad, street patrol, Jail, The squad prison police, to name a few. I don't really know why, i've never been arrested, no one in my family is in jail, but for some reason i find it really interesting how their is an entire society inside prisons divided among racial lines, with its own hierarchy, [url=http://www.theonion.com/video/prison-economy-spirals-as-price-of-pack-of-cigaret,14327/]economy[/url], and "schools". from what i can see prison is just part of the lifestyle these people lead, with close to an 80% recidivism rate most of the people that are released will end up back inside. So in contrast to what parrish said, prisons should do as much as possible to rehabilitate inmate. its costs something like 18k-30k to house and feed these people who give nothing back to society except to be released, do harm to the community by re-offending, then go right back to jail.
IMHO we should give the inmate as much counseling, job training, programs and assistance as possible so as to reduce the inmate population and ultimately save the tax payers money, and help improve society in general.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

aaron.blamer: Aaron Blamer 18:45

Jackie Bryant 18:45
what is it?

Aaron Blamer 18:45
you never click my links!!!

Jackie Bryant 18:45
I'm leery of random links.

Aaron Blamer 18:45
my friends just click them willy nilly. 18:46
Jackie Bryant 18:46
maybe you need more responsible friends 18:46

Jackie Bryant 18:49
Tell me what it is. 18:49

Aaron Blamer 18:51
its a spoof of an old russian propaganda with mickey mouse, but theres no need to click it, because the magic is gone.

Jackie Bryant 18:51

Aaron Blamer 18:52

Jackie Bryant 18:55
Sorry I ruined that magic.

Aaron Blamer 18:56
meh in retrospect it wasnt that funny
a point that totally would have been overlooked if it were for the glossy sheen of "the magic"

New convo:

Josh: no, you need less responsible friernds

but less responsible friends made her not believe in 'the magic'
most likely with pictures of dongs and goatse

so far you have yet to pull that one on me
but i do know where you live and am not above driving 30min to saran wrap your car one night

its a gentleman's agreement


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

[9:22:22 pm]Xenokilla: let me ask you something

[9:22:27 pm]Azayki16:Okay

[9:22:31 pm]Xenokilla:are you actually bisexual?

[9:22:36 pm]Azayki16:Yes o.o

[9:22:41 pm]Xenokilla:because it seems like 75% of the women on here say that

[9:22:44 pm]Azayki16:Why? Is that a problem?

[9:22:47 pm]Azayki16:Oh

[9:22:48 pm]Xenokilla:and i can't figure it out

[9:22:57 pm]Xenokilla:no its not a problem at all, its just kinda weird

[9:23:08 pm]Azayki16:I'm not a whore... I'm interested in both genders - exclusively. I don't do 3somes and I don't let guys "watch"

[9:23:20 pm]Xenokilla:that'd be kinda creepy

[9:23:36 pm]Azayki16:You have no idea how many guys find out I'm bisexual and go "OOH CAN I WATCH?"

[9:23:38 pm]Xenokilla:see thats the problem, the first experience guys get about sex is porn

[9:23:40 pm]Azayki16:It's irritating lol

[9:23:46 pm]Azayki16:Yup :/

[9:23:58 pm]Xenokilla:and then they spend the rest of their lives being disappointed that its nothing like that at all

[9:24:09 pm]Azayki16:I'm no prude by any stretch of the imagination, but I feel that sex is for 2 people personally

[9:24:27 pm]Xenokilla:i fix computers, i've been in dozens of homes, not one offer of a blow job!

[9:24:34 pm]Azayki16:LOL!

[9:24:38 pm]Azayki16:What bitches, eh?

[9:24:55 pm]Azayki16:Geez. A guy comes to fix your computer, the least you can do is give the guy a blowjob.

[9:25:08 pm]Xenokilla:exactly!

[9:25:15 pm]Xenokilla:whats with all the old people?

[9:25:24 pm]Azayki16:Lol

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why i don't work for free

Andrea McFarland: lol its nothing bad, you said u do IT, not thru a company tho right?
Josh: no independent
Andrea McFarland: Ok so what do u charge (on average for diff things) if that's not too nosey
Josh: mostly i get my work through a few websites
Andrea McFarland: That's cool, I was only asking because I got a lecture yesterday about not charging friends and family
Josh: basicly large companies don't have people everywhere
Josh: what? noooo
Josh: charge friends
Josh: my friend the hair dresser, she needs her computer fixed and i do it for free. do you think she's gonna turn around and cut my hair for free?
Josh: people ask me for my friend rate and i tell them its double
Andrea McFarland: I never have, but yeah I'm starting to think maybe I should. I guess I figured I should wait til I got my degree
Josh: degree?
Josh: ha, i have a degree in psychology
Josh: a service is a service
Andrea McFarland: That's a very good point
Andrea McFarland: I've only asked them to pay for whatever I needed to do what they wanted. But you have a good point
Josh: i charge everyone but my own mother
Andrea McFarland: My mom is the 1 I should start charging lol, she is always calling cuz she screwed something up.
Josh: i usually go for 60-90/h
Josh: or sometimes ill charge for the job
Josh: i got paid $150 for resetting the bios on a motherboard
Josh: moved a jumper from position one, to position two, then back
Josh: as they say, $1 for the move, 149 for know what and where
Andrea McFarland: I've never really thought about the business side, just if I have to pay for a program or part or whatever
Josh: you provide a service like a plumber or a carpenter
Andrea McFarland is typing...
Andrea McFarland: I need to start tho since more ppl have been calling and expect it for free
Josh: you need to vaulue your skills, because if you don't other people won't
Andrea McFarland: Right
Josh: no one uses linux, not because its a bad operating system, but because its free. and free things have no value in most peoples mind
Josh: for example
Josh: "i got this for for free"
Josh: "i paid 50k for this car"
Andrea McFarland: Yeah it makes a difference
Josh: even though you don't know what the free car is, you automatically think is a POS, while the 50k car is really nice
Andrea McFarland: Yup
Josh: so whoever gave you a leacture on not charging friends or family clearing has no idea what their talking about =)Bookmark

Sunday, April 25, 2010

xenocidlenutcase 1:49 pm
(1:49:39 PM): afternoon
elbeeste 1:50 pm
(1:50:19 PM): hey
xenocidlenutcase 1:50 pm
(1:50:45 PM): whats up?
elbeeste 2:07 pm
(2:07:12 PM): personal question?
xenocidlenutcase 2:07 pm
(2:07:21 PM): uhhh, sure
elbeeste 2:07 pm
(2:07:56 PM): do you experience hooking up with ppl youre friends with?

(2:08:08 PM): and im really sorry if thats like none of my business just say so

(2:08:09 PM): haha
xenocidlenutcase 2:08 pm
(2:08:55 PM): well thats an out of the blue question

(2:09:00 PM): are you looking for advice?
elbeeste 2:09 pm
(2:09:07 PM): not exactly
elbeeste 2:09 pm
(2:09:15 PM): im trying to understand
xenocidlenutcase 2:09 pm
(2:09:40 PM): well i'm not really mister socail life
elbeeste 2:09 pm
(2:09:48 PM): why guys hook up with girls theyre friends with instead of random bar girls or just use your hand

(2:09:56 PM): there seems to be some reason
xenocidlenutcase 2:09 pm
(2:09:58 PM): so its not like i have a bevy of single ladies waiting on me
elbeeste 2:10 pm
(2:10:08 PM): mm ok

(2:10:24 PM): soo this is kind of awkward
xenocidlenutcase 2:10 pm
(2:10:25 PM): lol, well first and foremost there is no comparison between a woman and your hand
elbeeste 2:10 pm
(2:10:25 PM): haha

(2:10:31 PM): why not

(2:10:34 PM): its the same thign
xenocidlenutcase 2:10 pm
(2:10:54 PM): not even close

(2:11:03 PM): trust me on this one
elbeeste 2:11 pm
(2:11:29 PM): why

(2:11:41 PM): physcially its the same thing

(2:11:48 PM): i think guys like the emotional aspect

(2:12:09 PM): i think its not abt sex, its about feeling like youre close to someone for a few hrs

(2:12:16 PM): does that make sense?
xenocidlenutcase 2:12 pm
(2:12:40 PM): not in the slighest

(2:12:51 PM): phsyically its not the same this

(2:12:53 PM): thing
elbeeste 2:12 pm
(2:12:56 PM): why not
xenocidlenutcase 2:13 pm
(2:13:03 PM): you touching yourself and someone else doing it are totally different
elbeeste 2:13 pm
(2:13:19 PM): eh i dont get that but ill take your word for it
xenocidlenutcase 2:13 pm
(2:13:23 PM): guys like to get laid, some guys do enjoy the person next to them
xenocidlenutcase 2:13 pm
(2:13:39 PM): other guys just really like to have sex
elbeeste 2:14 pm
(2:14:22 PM): so why do guys like to have sex with ppl theyre friends w ?

(2:14:29 PM): as oppose to ppl they dont know so well
xenocidlenutcase 2:14 pm
(2:14:33 PM): its usually easier
elbeeste 2:14 pm
(2:14:49 PM): really?
xenocidlenutcase 2:14 pm
(2:14:58 PM): and sometimes guys will be friends with someone in the hopes that sometimes in the future they will be able to have sex with them
elbeeste 2:15 pm
(2:15:08 PM): so a guy will be friends w a girl for 4 yrs

(2:15:10 PM): or 6

(2:15:13 PM): or wtvr

(2:15:17 PM): hoping one day to get laid once

(2:15:23 PM): and thats easier than finding a girl in a bar?
xenocidlenutcase 2:15 pm
(2:15:28 PM): but i can't speak from personal expirence, i've never picked a girl up at a bar and taken her home with me
xenocidlenutcase 2:15 pm
(2:15:45 PM): well its an investment
elbeeste 2:16 pm
(2:16:05 PM): so guys are never just friends w girls?
xenocidlenutcase 2:16 pm
(2:16:16 PM): if you've been working on something for years, you get more then satisfaction from it

(2:16:20 PM): not always true

(2:16:44 PM): sometimes guys are friends with a girl and not really looking to have sex with her

(2:16:52 PM): then the oppertunity come up and they go for it

(2:17:11 PM): its not some grand plan, most guys would like to have sex every night if they could
elbeeste 2:17 pm
(2:17:19 PM): w anyone?
xenocidlenutcase 2:17 pm
(2:17:29 PM): so if an oppertunity pops up they jump on it (litterally)

(2:17:38 PM): well that depends on the guy and what stage in life there in
elbeeste 2:18 pm
(2:18:31 PM): how many girlfriends have you had?
xenocidlenutcase 2:19 pm
(2:19:04 PM): a few?

(2:19:17 PM): long term IE more then 4 months?

(2:19:21 PM): 3 or 4
elbeeste 2:19 pm
(2:19:32 PM): did your relationshisp start out from hooking up?
xenocidlenutcase 2:19 pm
(2:19:41 PM): not usually

(2:19:54 PM): but again im one person
elbeeste 2:20 pm
(2:20:02 PM): i think all of mine started that way
xenocidlenutcase 2:20 pm
(2:20:22 PM): how many guys have you hooked up with?

(2:20:27 PM): and define hooking up?
elbeeste 2:20 pm
(2:20:33 PM): varies

(2:20:56 PM): can you explain to me why a guy who i am friends w will be happy making out with me and not doing anything else if it means nothing and its just for one night
xenocidlenutcase 2:20 pm
(2:20:58 PM): probably not going very far im assuming
elbeeste 2:21 pm
(2:21:00 PM): bc then its really not abt sex

(2:21:10 PM): like i said, it varies

(2:21:24 PM): we dont need to get into details, you can figure it out
xenocidlenutcase 2:21 pm
(2:21:28 PM): because your an attractive girl?

(2:21:45 PM): and there was probably drinking involved?
elbeeste 2:21 pm
(2:21:45 PM): isnt kissing emotional?
xenocidlenutcase 2:21 pm
(2:21:50 PM): a little
elbeeste 2:21 pm
(2:21:54 PM): haha yes there probably was
xenocidlenutcase 2:22 pm
(2:22:05 PM): lol, so the truth comes out!
elbeeste 2:22 pm
(2:22:23 PM): how does that change it
xenocidlenutcase 2:22 pm
(2:22:24 PM): you made out with some guy after a night of drinking and your wondering why he dosen't want to date you?
elbeeste 2:22 pm
(2:22:30 PM): no
elbeeste 2:22 pm
(2:22:34 PM): its not abt a sepcific guy

(2:22:39 PM): im just tyring to understand in general
xenocidlenutcase 2:22 pm
(2:22:41 PM): got ya
elbeeste 2:22 pm
(2:22:51 PM): thinking abt my experiences

(2:23:06 PM): can you shed some more light?
xenocidlenutcase 2:23 pm
(2:23:12 PM): i'd be happy to

(2:23:37 PM): men are more able to seperate the phsyical and the emotional then women
elbeeste 2:23 pm
(2:23:50 PM): but kissing is really mostly emotional
xenocidlenutcase 2:23 pm
(2:23:58 PM): eh, it varies
elbeeste 2:24 pm
(2:24:47 PM): i dont get it

(2:24:52 PM): i think it really is emotional
xenocidlenutcase 2:25 pm
(2:25:11 PM): and a guy might not
elbeeste 2:25 pm
(2:25:30 PM): no i mean i think it is for the guy

(2:25:36 PM): isolated

(2:25:45 PM): isolated moment of emotioanl connection
xenocidlenutcase 2:25 pm
(2:25:54 PM): or just making out with a hot chick
elbeeste 2:26 pm
(2:26:07 PM): whats the point of that
xenocidlenutcase 2:26 pm
(2:26:12 PM): if a super model asked me to make out with her i'd be all over it
elbeeste 2:26 pm
(2:26:22 PM): yes but you dont know her
xenocidlenutcase 2:26 pm
(2:26:27 PM): not because i ever had any illusions of dating her
elbeeste 2:26 pm
(2:26:52 PM): if its someone you are friends w isnt it different?
xenocidlenutcase 2:27 pm
(2:27:23 PM): yes
elbeeste 2:27 pm
(2:27:51 PM): how is it different
xenocidlenutcase 2:29 pm
(2:29:33 PM): there more involved in it then just the kissing, but probably not as much as you think there is
elbeeste 2:30 pm
(2:30:21 PM): ok so another q

(2:30:27 PM): if a guy and girl are friends
xenocidlenutcase 2:31 pm
(2:31:14 PM): yes
elbeeste 2:31 pm
(2:31:34 PM): they get along really well, they trust each other, wtvr, he thinks she's cool and finds her attractive,, why wouldnt he want a relationship

(2:33:06 PM): this is something i have been trying to understnd for a while

(2:33:18 PM): i dont think guys and girls are so different but you obviously disagree
xenocidlenutcase 2:34 pm
(2:34:13 PM): well turning a friendship into a relationship has its up side and down side
elbeeste 2:34 pm
(2:34:25 PM): i think its all up
xenocidlenutcase 2:34 pm
(2:34:29 PM): usually if things go bad you lose the person as a frined a long with a chunk of your social circle
elbeeste 2:34 pm
(2:34:44 PM): yea but if you hook up w someone you could lose the friendship too
xenocidlenutcase 2:34 pm
(2:34:57 PM): always a possibility
elbeeste 2:35 pm
(2:35:04 PM): but guys dont worry abt that
xenocidlenutcase 2:37 pm
(2:37:05 PM): well there are few if any absolute rules on this

(2:37:19 PM): guys will do dumb shit for no logical reason at all

(2:37:31 PM): hook up with a hot chic thats your friend? why no!

(2:37:33 PM): not*
elbeeste 2:37 pm
(2:37:53 PM): but there is thought that goes into it

(2:37:59 PM): before hand

(2:38:00 PM): right?
xenocidlenutcase 2:38 pm
(2:38:15 PM): i think thats the difference between guys and girls

(2:38:23 PM): less though for guys, more for girls
elbeeste 2:38 pm
(2:38:28 PM): that doesnt make sense

(2:38:46 PM): if a guy and girl make plans to hang out in his apt and drink

(2:38:50 PM): then its kind of obvious

(2:38:55 PM): so there must be thought that goes into it
xenocidlenutcase 2:41 pm
(2:41:10 PM): he's probably hoping he's gonna hook up with the girl
xenocidlenutcase 2:43 pm
(2:43:53 PM): what, you didn't see that coming?
elbeeste 2:45 pm
(2:45:07 PM): of course but he also did

(2:45:16 PM): so youre saying he didnt put any thought into it?

(2:45:27 PM): like if its going to mess up his social circle or wtvr
xenocidlenutcase 2:45 pm
(2:45:30 PM): i can't tell you whats in his mind
elbeeste 2:45 pm
(2:45:32 PM): like yous aid abt datin a friend
xenocidlenutcase 2:45 pm
(2:45:55 PM): who knows?

(2:46:01 PM): if you want to know ask him
elbeeste 2:46 pm
(2:46:32 PM): haha is that going to go over well?

(2:46:37 PM): cant imagine it will
xenocidlenutcase 2:46 pm
(2:46:40 PM): don't know the guy

(2:46:47 PM): but he'll probably lie
elbeeste 2:46 pm
(2:46:47 PM): im not talking abt someone specific
xenocidlenutcase 2:46 pm
(2:46:51 PM): :-P
elbeeste 2:46 pm
(2:46:51 PM): lie abt what?
xenocidlenutcase 2:47 pm
(2:47:16 PM): you won't get the truth, you'll get what he thinks you want to hear

(2:47:25 PM): wait, i;ve said too much
elbeeste 2:47 pm
(2:47:53 PM): ha come on
elbeeste 2:48 pm
(2:48:01 PM): what could i possibly want to hear

(2:48:09 PM): i just want to understand it
xenocidlenutcase 2:50 pm
(2:50:37 PM): well i hopes i;ve helped a little
elbeeste 2:51 pm
(2:51:32 PM): not exactly but thanks haha
xenocidlenutcase 2:51 pm
(2:51:50 PM): lol

(2:51:56 PM): well we can keep trying
xenocidlenutcase 2:56 pm
(2:56:21 PM): so how many guys has this happened with?
elbeeste 2:56 pm
(2:56:27 PM): a few
xenocidlenutcase 2:56 pm
(2:56:49 PM): and you don't want it to happen again or your just trying to understand it?
elbeeste 2:57 pm
(2:56:59 PM): just curious abt it

(2:57:02 PM): trying to understand it

(2:57:15 PM): also can you explain to me how a guy can hook up witha girl he doesnt find attractive
xenocidlenutcase 2:57 pm
(2:57:28 PM): there's usually alcohol involed?

(2:57:34 PM): or desparation

(2:57:46 PM): or just wanting to do it

(2:57:59 PM): and for the record, your not un attractive:-P
elbeeste 2:58 pm
(2:58:01 PM): so if a guy likes a girl, will he hook up with her randomly?

(2:58:09 PM): thanks but it's all subjective
xenocidlenutcase 2:58 pm
(2:58:15 PM): of the oppertunity presents itself

(2:58:18 PM): if*
elbeeste 2:58 pm
(2:58:31 PM): he will do that rather than tell her he likes her
xenocidlenutcase 2:59 pm
(2:59:04 PM): maybe he's afraid

(2:59:16 PM): its not easy to lay it on the line like that

(2:59:27 PM): fear of rejection and what not
elbeeste 2:59 pm
(2:59:27 PM): so hooking up drunk is the prefered method?
xenocidlenutcase 2:59 pm
(2:59:36 PM): when you hook up with a girl its not totally one sided
elbeeste 3:00 pm
(3:00:08 PM): right but im asking the guys perspective/motivation
xenocidlenutcase 3:01 pm
(3:01:24 PM): usually when you hook up with a girl there are signls coming from the other side, as opposed to coming out and saying you like somoene
elbeeste 3:01 pm
(3:01:34 PM): right
xenocidlenutcase 3:01 pm
(3:01:40 PM): in which case your not sure if your affections are going to be returned
elbeeste 3:01 pm
(3:01:58 PM): so theres basically no way for a girl to know when a guy makes a move if he is interested in her or just wants to hook up
xenocidlenutcase 3:02 pm
(3:02:40 PM): well thats out of my area of expertise

(3:02:48 PM): its usually the guy making the move

(3:03:06 PM): if a girl told me she liked me or came onto me i'd be like whoa, this is awesome
elbeeste 3:03 pm
(3:03:11 PM): hha
xenocidlenutcase 3:03 pm
(3:03:14 PM): guys aren't used to being hit on
elbeeste 3:03 pm
(3:03:23 PM): ok but i mean if 2 ppl are hooking up
elbeeste 3:03 pm
(3:03:29 PM): there is no way to know what i means

(3:03:31 PM): if anything
xenocidlenutcase 3:03 pm
(3:03:35 PM): no one buys me drinks, complements my clothing ect
elbeeste 3:03 pm
(3:03:40 PM): aw
xenocidlenutcase 3:07 pm
(3:07:40 PM): yea, so its a little different
elbeeste 3:08 pm
(3:08:11 PM): ok but

(3:08:16 PM): is there any way to tell

(3:08:20 PM): like what if you like someone

(3:08:27 PM): how do you know if you want to hook up w them

(3:08:36 PM): bc maybe its jjust a hook up for them

(3:08:54 PM): and then can you initiate a convo abt it later?

(3:09:00 PM): how do you do that without pissing him off

(3:09:08 PM): i dont want anyone to lie to me
xenocidlenutcase 3:11 pm
(3:11:13 PM): its tricky
xenocidlenutcase 3:14 pm
(3:14:52 PM): you could just tell them

(3:14:59 PM): its a risk
elbeeste 3:15 pm
(3:15:01 PM): yea

(3:15:46 PM): its interesting
xenocidlenutcase 3:17 pm
(3:17:54 PM): well thats the fun!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Minkus Kronewizzle
11:02 pm
(11:02:32 PM): well I didn't know if it came out with the same ratio or whatever

(11:03:48 PM): gray shirt, remember? normal guy with a life
xenocidlenutcase 11:03 pm
(11:03:59 PM): lives are over rated
Minkus Kronewizzle 11:04 pm
(11:04:12 PM): by the way check out my house...
xenocidlenutcase 11:04 pm
(11:04:17 PM): link?
Minkus Kronewizzle 11:04 pm
(11:04:51 PM): http://starwarsgalleries.webs.com/apps/photos/

(11:05:31 PM): like I said, I have a life!
xenocidlenutcase 11:05 pm
(11:05:39 PM): and which one of us has a life?
Minkus Kronewizzle 11:05 pm
(11:05:59 PM): haha

(11:06:15 PM): I'm xaos in the star wars world by the way

(11:06:28 PM): it's greek for chaos

(11:06:40 PM): captain chaos
xenocidlenutcase 11:06 pm
(11:06:53 PM): i shall continute not giving a fuck immediately

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ha ha!

xenocidlenutcase 10:28 pm
(10:28:04 PM): well sometimes it gets me in trouble

(10:28:28 PM): aparently its taboo to say all of our products are made by the finest quality 14 year old korean slave labour
Rhea Bevin 10:29 pm
(10:29:01 PM): lol

(10:29:17 PM): did you find that out the hard way?
xenocidlenutcase 10:29 pm
(10:29:42 PM): lol

(10:29:44 PM): yes

(10:29:52 PM): greatest written warning ever