Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Looking for a safe stance on abortion? Grow a pair!

well enough with the kiddy posts, time for something with a little more meat on it. In one of my many many day dreams during my "work" hours i thought what it would be like as an armed guard at an abortion clinic (yes, these thoughts go through my mind). Well basically my point of view is that i hope one day that men are responsible enough to keep it wrapped, women are responsible enough to take the proper precautions to keep from getting pregnant and that the whole issues of abortion goes away. Now back in the real world i firmly beileve that as long as abortion is legal in the united states I will support womens rights to their body. I think the problem people seems to face when i comes to abortion issues is the religious right's idea that they need to force everyone to believe what they do. I don't care if you don't belive dionsaurs existed, if you belive in satan or are a practising scientologist, i really could care less what you believe as long as your not trying to force your belief on other people. So if your against abortion, don't get one, but who are you to try and stop an amercian citizen from expressing their legal right to an abortion?

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