Tuesday, September 2, 2008

i'm JESUS!

17711135 (9:59:56 PM): Bruce Campbell has a famous brother. However, the only reason he's famous is because Jesus keeps taking credit for his actions.

XenocidleNutCase (10:00:13 PM): lol

XenocidleNutCase (10:00:25 PM): i was jesus tonight

XenocidleNutCase (10:00:38 PM): there was a pitcher in the fridge which is usally full of water

XenocidleNutCase (10:01:01 PM): so i poured it out and it was red, and im like, holy shit im jesus, i turned water into kol aid

17711135 (10:01:07 PM): lol

XenocidleNutCase (10:01:24 PM): and the kol aid was good

17711135 (10:01:46 PM): mwahaha

XenocidleNutCase (10:03:20 PM): damn, this calls for some more kol aid

XenocidleNutCase (10:03:21 PM): brb

XenocidleNutCase (10:03:24 PM): read mine blog

XenocidleNutCase (10:03:29 PM): www.xenokilla.blogspot.com

17711135 (10:04:07 PM): you have a blog! bah!

17711135 (10:04:12 PM): now I have to get a blog

17711135 (10:04:14 PM): damn it!

XenocidleNutCase (10:05:09 PM): one up bitch

17711135 (10:05:22 PM): oh i will, i'll get my own domain name

XenocidleNutCase (10:05:28 PM): bah

XenocidleNutCase (10:05:34 PM): now im gonna need my own TLD

17711135 (10:05:42 PM): .jew?

XenocidleNutCase (10:05:46 PM): yes

XenocidleNutCase (10:05:59 PM): .JG (jew gold)

17711135 (10:06:14 PM): hell yes

17711135 (10:06:17 PM): i wonder if that is valid

17711135 (10:06:21 PM): stealmy.jg

XenocidleNutCase (10:06:28 PM): probably some random african country

17711135 (10:06:42 PM): nope

17711135 (10:06:47 PM): afk a sec, gotta drop the kids at the pool

XenocidleNutCase (10:07:04 PM): .....

XenocidleNutCase (10:07:10 PM): you don't have any kids

XenocidleNutCase (10:07:12 PM): or a pool

XenocidleNutCase (10:07:16 PM): and its dark out

XenocidleNutCase (10:07:22 PM): there are so many things wrong with that!

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