Monday, August 25, 2008

Luck in life or lucky in love, which would you choose?

I'd rather be lucky in love, because if your with someone you really love, and they really love you too, nothing in life can bring you down because you will always have that person to lean on and help bring you back up. If your lucky in life but not in love, well you can have the biggest mansion in the world, but if your there all alone and heart broken, all the toys in the world can't fill that kind of emptiness. Oh and darci, why are there 6 pedals and only four directions?????

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Something related to high school, don't ask.

*Please read this blog in a mild Russian accent, kinda like Scotty would*

Me: Hey children look, its yared topek!

Jared: who the hell are you? whats going on? where am i?

Me: and what do we say when we see yared children?


Me: Very good children!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's always good to have some back up

A long story short i did something stupid it work, i called out our maintenance depart as the useless lazy morons that they are, of course i did this in a way that everyone in the company now knows of it, but i digress. After i sent out the work request i got called into the managers office and good a stern talking to about what i had written. Of course when i write two polite work requests jack all gets done, so i guess sometimes when your the low man on the totem pole you need to stamp your feet and make some noise to get the attention that you need. Anyway i know what i did was stupid, but again im not getting to the point. The point is that some of the other people that work with me told me that they supported what i did and said it needed to be done and they'll stick up for me if they come at me again about what i wrote. which is a really good feeling because it sucks to stick your neck out its nice to know that there are people on your side. i guess thats it.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Protesting in amercia

Protesting is fun, let me tell you. The problem in the states is who is protesting, a bunch of college students and hippies! here's the skinny, no one (people that actually matter in society) really cares what a bunch of hippies and college students think. Remember the WTO protests in Seattle? yea? wonderful, anyway nothing in this country will change as long as the only people that protest are the people that are on the margins of society anyway, people that no one really cares about. Basically what I'm saying is that nothing will change till the lawyers and the doctors are out on the streets in protesting.

why blog?

its a simple question really, why blog? there are millions of people out there pouring out content to blogs and forums and groups all over the internet all the time, so what makes me think i have anything to contribute? well the short answer is i don't, no big truths, no insane philosophy's to spread. The real reason I'm bloggin is for me, i spend a lot of time in my head turning over thoughts and having imaginary conversations with people and it's just time to let some of it out, not for anyone else out there but for me. Moving on, this blog will have i guess a few distinct types of posts; the first will be just rants about whatever, the second will be the various meandering fantasies that i have during the day while by brain shuts off during my boring ass job, another may involve some of the journals that i wrote while i was in Israel. see after high school i spent a year abroad in Israel and i wrote a journal while i was there, i might just do some editing to them and post them here. lastly i will be blogging about religious Judaism, yes i know thats a random thing, but its been a hugr part of my life and there are some things i need to express about it. as i said this blog is for me. Well that's all i have for now, for the two people who will ever read this enjoy!